Valuable Cargo

Defination : Valuable cargo is consignment which contain one or more of the following articles

Any shipment having a declared value for carriage of USD 1,000.00 ( or equivalent) or more per gross kilogram ,except in the United Kingdom GBP 450.00 , or more per gross kilogram

Gold bullion ( including refined and unrefined gold in ingot form) dore bullion , gold specied and gold in the form of grain, sheet, foil, powder, sponge, wire, rod, tube, circles, moldings and castings, platinum, platinum metals (palladium, iridium, ruthenium, osmium and rhodium) and platinum alloys in the form of grain, sponge, bar, ingot, sheet, rod, wire, gauze, tube and strip but excluding those radioactive isotopes of the above metals and alloys which are subject to dangerous goods labeling requirement .

For more details and enquiries, please contact our  sales office .

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